Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Garbage Like This

I was checking my yahoo email account today when I noticed one of those scammy advertisements at the bottom of the screen which something like, "Obama Scandal that Could Ruin His Presidency." Upon reading that, I am biased, because naturally as a liberal and democratic voter, and because in the way this "scandal" is being presented (in a shady online advertisement), I know it's likely to be a scam. But I want to see what its contents conclude.

So I click on it the link...

And this what I find:

Notice how it begins with this: "A wealthy Maryland journalist..." They don't disclose a name, but they feel the need to disclose that he/she is wealthy, which means he has all the prestige and obviously the knowledge which makes his proclamations credible.

There is a video playing throughout the course of visiting this website, which disallows you to forward or pause anything because they don't want YOU the viewer in speculation to have control over the garbage spewing for their mouths.

The man talking? Sounds like middle aged white man, which also means that he MUST be trustworthy.   To me his voice was incredibly annoying.

Additionally, HE NEVER PROVIDES EVIDENCE to support his claims, and NEVER GETS TO THE POINT IN HOW THIS IS ALL OBAMA'S FAULT. He uses scary words like, "this will be the end of our days..." "not to scare you, but we will see the world come to a end" type garbage to scare his viewers into watching and listening to his garbage.

Not to mention, the website states he's a wealthy journalist, but according the video, he's a financial advisors, which means, oh gees, he MUST REALLY KNOW what he's talking about.

The whole point of this post people: Be critical thinkers at all times and don't take everything you see and hear to be honest. If you research this companies name: Stansberry & Associates, google is flooded with spams connected to this "company's" name.

By the way, how would the fall of American Government as we know it be all of Obama's fault? Because Bush, the former president who is likely more responsible had nothing to do with it?

And another thing: People do your research! If anything actually causes the American Government to completely fall (all great empires do fall at some point, read your Roman and Greek histories) it would because of the thousands upon thousands of impoverished U.S. Americans who get their food stamps cut more and more each month while the wealthy Americans, namely those in congress, sit back and drowned in their own filthy wealth. There will be a revolution, a civil war, and if there isn't, well that man, these piggy, greedy wealthy few really DO have a way of controlling the masses: With religion and lies and the media.


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