Sunday, September 29, 2013

Germany Now Offers a Third Sex

This is somewhat recent, but according this article and many others I've found, Germany now offers a "third sex" option to children born with indeterminate sex organs. This now leaves parents with a choice, besides choosing the binary composition of just female or male. These babies will now be able to grow older and be able to determine for themselves, what sex they want to be or who they truly are.

This is a pretty progressive stance for genderless babies. Many other countries should take note. However, the article from Huffington Post does state that some German experts not in favor of this "third sex" say it could be problematic come time for identification purposes. On your passport, I.D.'s, birth certificates, etc. people have always been identified as either: female or male.

We'll have see to how Germany executes this new, progressive third sex. In any case, because I like to study gender, I find this all to be extremely interesting!


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Time Out: Who The Hell Am I?

This is post is dedicated towards introducing myself to any readers (I think at the moment there are none, but just in case...) to let people know who I am. I am 27-years-old, and female. I am a college student, and thankful (and extremely grateful) to have a fiancé who is supporting me while I finish up with my English/Sociology degrees. I am an atheist, a liberal, a socialist, a feminist, an environmentalist...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Are You Awake Americans?

Senator Ted Cruz, who may also be a Republican Presidential candidate for 2016 presidential elections said this:

“What we have here is our core values as Americans and Christians slipping away into this facade where we should take care of our poor, sick, and disabled,” said Cruz in hour 19 of his filibuster. “It is disheartening to know that the nation our forefathers built is no longer of importance to our president and his Democratic counterparts. Not only that, we are falling away from core Christian values. I don’t know about you, but I believe in the Jesus who died to save himself, not enable lazy followers to be dependent on him. He didn’t walk around all willy nilly just passing out free healthcare to those who were sick, or food to those who were hungry, or clothes to those in need. No, he said get up, brush yourself off, go into town and get a job, and as he hung on the cross he said, 'I died so that I may live in eternity with my Father. If you want to join us you can die for yourself and your own sins. What do I look like, your savior or something?' That’s the Jesus I want to see brought back into our core values as a nation. That’s why we need to repeal Obamacare.”

Are you just as disgusted by this garbage as I am? This is insanity. Pure, pure insanity! 

This is the America I live in and am ashamed of. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Garbage Like This

I was checking my yahoo email account today when I noticed one of those scammy advertisements at the bottom of the screen which something like, "Obama Scandal that Could Ruin His Presidency." Upon reading that, I am biased, because naturally as a liberal and democratic voter, and because in the way this "scandal" is being presented (in a shady online advertisement), I know it's likely to be a scam. But I want to see what its contents conclude.

So I click on it the link...